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Join with your child so you can challenge each other.

Typing course adults

Have you been sitting behind a keyboard for years but still type with two fingers? High time for a change with an adult typing course from TypeTopia!

Everyone that can read, can learn to type blindly. Even at a later age. Join with your child, that way you can both benefit from challenging each other.

The english version for parents is currently available in Dutch and will be available in English soon.

How often are you at the keyboard?

  • Presentation
  • Summary
  • Written reports

Do you often have to write presentations, reports or plans? Then learning how to touch type at lightning speed is just the thing for you. This way typing really goes twice as fast.

Daarom hebben we een ook aangepaste typecursus gemaakt voor volwassenen op basis van onze succesvolle TypeTopia typecursus.

ouders en kinderen met TypeTopia


The TypeTopia Method


Finish work faster

Are you often at the keyboard for work or leisure? We teach you to touch type at lightning speed.

We guarantee you will pass →

Learn to touch type together

Join your child so you can challenge each other and stay on track together for daily practise. Reach the finish line together!

How does TypeTopia work →

Dyslexia? Autism?

Blind typing is an asset, especially for you. Tricky handwriting, easily distracted?

Unique extra support →


What our participants have to say

What is different from TypeTopia for children?

e beste typecursus online

We have kept the best of TypeTopia. You follow the same adventure as your children. And there are still the same games that really teach you how to touch type. But we have shortened the storyline and adapted the practice texts to the age.

  • Special practice texts for your age
  • Including Games and Challenges
  • Less intrusive storyline
  • Faster towards results

The advantages of touch typing

Type way faster

Learning to touch type is really different from learning to type with 10 fingers. Because you no longer have to look at the keyboard, typing becomes automatic. It takes more training time, but it will be more than worth it because you will become much faster.

Type texts with better content

When you touch type you do not have to look at the keys to find the right letters. So you can entirely focus on what you want to type. This makes it easier to write a full answer or a better report.

Take notes during online meetings

These days meetings often take place online. Sometimes we spend entire days on Zoom and Teams meetings. If you can touch type whilst looking at the screen you can take great notes. The same goes for live meetings or presentations of course.

Prepared for the future

In a professional environment, it is impossible to imagine life without a computer. The number of hours spent behind a computer has increased exponentially in recent decades. The medium for communicating with the rest of the world is the keyboard.

Despite the fact that there are all kinds of well-functioning speech recognition programs, typing is still an integral part of our daily work.

Chances are that you regularly spend time at home on your laptop. Since we spend a lot of time behind a computer in our private lives as well, learning to touch type is a huge advantage. Nice to have now, indispensable later!

Known from

Frequently Asked Questions

See all FAQs

Can I do a trial lesson at TypeTopia?

Of course! Experience for yourself how TypeTopia works. You will be amazed at how quickly we can teach your child and you to type blind. There is a free trial lesson for children and a separate trial lesson for parents which is set up more as a demo and also explains how the system works.

How long does the TypeTopia touch typing course take?

Each daily assignment takes about 20 minutes. You choose how often you want to practice per week in your online schedule. Five, four or three times a week. There are 100 exciting missions, so bring it on.

  • 5 x p/w = exam after 20 weeks
  • 4 x p/w = exam after 25 weeks
  • 3 x p/w = exam after 33 weeks

If you want to finish the course sooner, you can! But make sure you have enough breaks between the individual daily assignments. Do something else in between that does not require you to concentrate. For example, play outside, play sports, chill out…

Please note! TypeTopia takes a bit longer than other online touch typing courses. This is because we teach touch typing, guaranteed, so you become much faster.

How much should you practise each day or week?

When learning the keyboard, it is important to practise frequently with as few breaks in between as possible.

Each daily assignment takes about 20 minutes. The daily assignments are structured in such a way that we first start by repeating what was introduced last time. This is followed by a new letter or symbol which is practised sufficiently so that you will be able to find it again next time.

If there are too many pauses between practice sessions, choose “Extra practice” from the main menu first. This will train only the previous exercises, strengthening the basis.

If you want to finish the course sooner, you can! But make sure you have enough breaks between the individual daily assignments. Do something else in between that does not require you to concentrate. For example, play outside, play sports, chill out…

What is the average age?

Most children who have done the regular version of TypeTopia are around 10-11 years old. But of course it does not matter if you are older. You are never too old to learn. We have also had outliers to higher ages, for example, someone aged 80 has learned to touch type with TypeTopia.

The 13+ version is intended for middle school children. The class really doesn’t matter. The storyline of the primary school version has been shortened and the exercise texts are age-appropriate.

The adult version is intended for parents who want to take the course together with their children. Here, the storyline has been shortened and the practice texts have been adapted as well. But you still have the same modules and games.

The typing games are suited for all ages, fun to do, and you can compare your scores with your children. But watch out because those kids are incredibly fast!

Of how many lessons does the TypeTopia touch typing course exist?

TypeTopia consists of 19 modules, each with 5 daily assignments. In total, there are 95 tasks to do. That is more compared to other online typing courses, which is logical because at TypeTopia we teach you to touch type so you will never forget. And that just takes more time and practice.

How long can I take to complete TypeTopia?

We will help you until you have learned to touch type properly, hitting at least 120 strokes per minute.

Almost everyone finishes the course within a year. Of course, there are exceptions in case of illness or other personal situations that make you take longer.

If your child needs a longer period of time due to personal circumstances, please contact us within the contract period of one year so that we can make an arrangement.

There is no additional charge for this extension.

How much does TypeTopia cost?

The TypeTopia is temporarily at a discount from €159 £139,- pp to £119,- pp And apart from that you can get an extra discoun. If you take part in the group discount with five friends or family members you can even take the TypeTopia touch typing course for GBP 89 per person.

Read more here on the TypeTopia costs

TypeTopia for adults, that’s what you call time management!

Strange really, that it is normal to take all kinds of courses to boost your work productivity. But a typing course for adults that ultimately saves you time on a daily basis is not yet so accepted in this list.

How odd that a skill that you need everyday is considered as something that you will learn through practising often enough. Admittedly, you will increase your speed a bit when typing often. However, when you have acquired the touch typing 10-finger system, you will never want to do without.

Now, we haven’t even mentioned “time management” yet! Your speed will increase by 2-5 times by touch typing.

Typing, isn’t that something every adult already can do?

Yes, everyone can do a bit of searching on their keyboard. And if you search a lot, you can find the letters faster. But with TypeTopia, which trains your reflexes, you can find the letters automatically by touch.

Once you can touch type, you type 2-5 times faster. Most importantly, it takes no effort at all. By touch typing, you can fully focus on the content of what you want to type instead of searching letter by letter which takes a lot of energy.

The annual time savings are enormous, because if you look at how much time you spend on the computer, you will be surprised afterwards by the time saved.