5 October is not just any day. It is Teacher’s Day all over the world! Teachers deserve a little more attention than usual. They not only take care of your child(ren), but also teach them all kinds of important things that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. And we can thank them for that, can’t we? Do you want to surprise your dear teacher? Then read on.

1. Write a poem together
Together with your child, write down a number of points you want to include in the poem. Mention, for example, that the teacher is a good listener, or a good football player. It is also nice to include a joke. As soon as you know what you want to write, you can start rhyming (possibly with a Rhyming Dictionary). Start in time so that you can read the poem again a few days later.
2. The way to say thank you is through the stomach
You always score with something tasty to eat or drink, especially if you have made it yourself! And you can make it as difficult or easy as you like. With a nice juice you give the teacher some extra energy. Or what about a homemade cake, pie or apple pie? If you would rather go for something healthier, then a tasty (fruit) salad is also nice. Check beforehand what the teacher likes to eat and what he/she is allergic to.
3. Crafts
You can make it as crazy as you want. From a beautiful colouring picture or a homemade card with a sweet message to personal tea bags or other fun ideas from Pinterest. Also take a good look at your child’s talents. If he or she is not very creative, you will have to help a lot more. Or choose a different tip.
4. Play their favourite song / artist
This tip is not for everyone, as it requires some musical talent. Try to find out what the teacher’s favourite song is, or which artist he/she likes. With the help of the internet, you can find out together with your child how to play the song. You can practise this well beforehand and play it live in the classroom on the day itself. Is that too exciting? Then you can record it, put it on YouTube and send the link.
5. Buy something nice
Do you have no time? Not enough inspiration? Are you not very creative? Then it is also fine to buy a little something for the teacher. The important thing is that you remember and let the teacher know that you appreciate his or her work. Buy a nice bottle of wine or beer and add a personal touch with a label. Or give something the teacher loves: if it’s biscuits, then of course you put that on your shopping list.